We always think of how can we be better, how can we be the best version of ourself and in this session I am going to share a little trick of mine which has helped me a lot.
Building a video game character
I think about the best version of myself with all the qualities that I want this version to have and I write them down on paper.
It’s like I am building a video game character here, but the only twist is that this character is going to be me in six months from now.
The reason why I just do six months of improvements is, I like making shorter improvements and achieving them than making bigger improvements which would need more time, so the plan here is to write achievable challenging improvements as it boosts your confidence.
So add the qualities that you think you can achieve in the next six months and keep it realistic, if you cannot wait for six months then try a three-month routine.
Be honest
This is the part where many of us fail because what helps us in achieving the goals to be the best version is the small habits that we incorporate in our daily lives, and not being honest with those habits can impact our long-term goal.
Like if you want to lose weight or learn a programming language or want to be a chess player then you have to plan your time, diet, practice sessions, and sleep schedule accordingly, remember we are on a tight schedule and every minute you spend is going to add up or move you away from your goals.
Sleep and practice sessions are important, as practice sessions help us to train and sharpen the skill that we are working on and a 8 hours sleep is needed for the body to recover and recharge itself for the next day.
So be honest with yourself when you plan something.
The measuring scale
Sometimes we lose track of our goals like as of now I am on a schedule to lose weight, and sometimes when my friends bring cakes and donuts I get very tempted to have a bite.
But then all of a sudden I ask myself what would my best version do, he would have self-control and would politely say no as we are on a mission to lose weight and hence I say no.
It’s more like you keep the two choices on a measuring scale and measure them out, I can eat that cake and go a few steps behind OR I can say no and stick with my goal.
Before you make such decisions do ask yourself what would your best version do if it was given these two choices?
Learn - Adapt- Grow
While you are in the process of achieving your goals there might be a few months where you would miss out on certain things and that’s okay, but not learning from your mistake is not okay.
When we fail, we must retrospect as what went wrong and how can I avoid this mistake in the future
Just having this small check-in place can help you to adapt to the change and grow as an individual.
The minor checks and adjustments that we do in ourselves will surely help in our progress but ignoring those checks and making the same mistakes, again and again, will take you far away from your goals.
It’s okay to fail but not to give up
Unknowingly we may pick up some unrealistic goals and fail and that feeling is sour and demotivating.
But rather than focusing on the negative and saying to yourself “Oh look I could not achieve this goal, I have failed” here’s what I want you to focus on
Take a paper and write down what you could have done better because now you have the experience, you tried something that didn’t work out and you know the reason why it didn’t work, and while you are writing the reason I want you to be completely honest with yourself.
I am sure your best version would have done the same too, it's okay to fail but giving up is not allowed.
Try again and try better as now you have experience and there’s a beautiful quote I read and I hope it brightens your day
“We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” -Jim Rohn
I hope this post was helpful, and I wish you become the best version of yourself pretty soon.
Remember it’s a process a marathon and not a sprint so make sure you have fun while you are evolving every day, adapt to the changes and grow.
Thank you for spending time and reading this, if this was helpful please do clap and share it with your friends. You got this 👍